Saturday, 28 July 2012

Day 41 Oban to Tayvallich in Loch Sweeny

Tuesday dawns dry and cloudy. we set of down the channel between Kerrara, Jura and the mainland. We left at a suitable time to ensure we have a south going tide in the Sound of Luing were tide can be particularly strong and as you can see from the photo this proved to be the case, at one stage propelling us along at 7 knots above our boat speed. (One quickly learns on a sailing boat that speeds normal in a car have no meaning!)
The top end of Loch Sweeney
Tayvallich in the foreground and Carsaig in the background ( Courtesy of the Clyde Cruising Guide)
The Loch north of Tayvallich and the Fairy Islands

Loch Sweeny is a beautiful loch, unveiling its hidden treasures as we sail north towards Tayvallich. The entry to the bay encompassing Tayvallich is well hidden until you are almost on top of it and then, whow, a spectacularly narrow entrance opens into a classic basin surrounded by trees and a small community of houses. There are 3 visitors buoys and we have the choice of all three and take up the most westerly of the three.

Tayvallich is on the opposite side of the peninsular from Carsaig, just half a mile distant.
Tayvallich at low tide

The Tayvallich Inn ( Egon Ronay and Michelin recommended) offers a sumptuous repas and we retire to the boat replete and comfortable in our glorious surroundings.

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